The Library Provides the Following Services:
- Library Hours:
Usually the Library remains open from 9 AM to 5 PM on all working days whereas it functions from 9 AM to 1 P.M. on Saturdays
- Open access:
The greatest advantage that a Library can offer to its readers is its open access or open shelf system. This system enables the users to have direct and easy access to the book collection providing good opportunity and freedom to examine and browse the books. It encourages the users to develop a closer acquaintance with the diversity of information sources available in the Library. Keeping this in mind, the Library is practicing Open Access System.
- Circulation of Books:
The users are eligible to borrow books against Library card for a period of 7 days. The books kept in reference section and the periodicals normally will not be issued. However under certain conditions the reference textbooks are issued to the faculty for overnight reference and return.
- New arrivals:
Some selected titles of new books acquired by the Library are displayed in ‘New Arrivals’ racks for the benefit of users. These books will be on display for at least one week and after that they will be made available to borrow.
- Newspaper Clipping Service:
Newspaper clipping service is one of the most important service in a Library. The press clipping means the screening, scanning/cutting of news items etc., daily from newspapers in an organisation and sending them via e-mail to officials. and finally these are uploaded in institutional website.
- Reference Service:
Reference service means “Process of establishing contact between a user and his requirements in a personal way”. It is a personal service, which involves various activities, aimed at making information available to the users as easily as possible.
- Photocopy Service:
The Library provides photocopy service to the users on priced basis within the Library primessis. This saves the time of the users to a great extent.